Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[更堅硬] CND Shellac Duraforce-Gel Top Coat 面油

好久都沒有更新CND的產品了,最近推出了突破性技術新配方Gel Top Coat 面油 ─ CND Shellac Duraforce 效果更堅硬,為薄弱 / 受損 / 易斷的指甲帶來強效保護。

上班又得 型格又得! CND Shellac Gel甲組合混色大圖鑑

又到夏季了,大家除了忙碌著換夏日時裝外,別忘了Soak Off Gel的顏色亦要跟著配合轉變!今個夏天開始試試棄單一色系,混出自己獨愛的顏色組合吧!

OPI LED GELCOLOR & CND Shellac Soak-Off Gel Promotion (March-Aprli 2014)

Pamper your fingernails at Rainbownails! Enjoy >20% discount for 2 x OPI LED Gelcolor or CND Shellac Soak Off Gel Nails service for HK$980!

OPI LED GELCOLOR & CND SHELLAC 可卸式甲油服務優惠 (三月, 四月2014)

在潮濕的春天,普通指甲油很難乾透,做SOAK OFF GEL (Gel甲)就最好不過了,即日起至四月底以 $980 享用兩次 OPI LED Gelcolor 或 CND Shellac 可卸式甲油服務,快來感受漂亮又長持久的美甲吧!

CND Shellac Soak-off Gel 2013 Autumn Collection – The Forbidden Collection

A collection that will intoxicate you in the Autumn melancholy! With autumn already upon us, 6 colours have arrived in Hong Kong this week.

CND Vinylux: A brand new fast-drying week-long polish system

CND surprise us with VINYLUX – a brand new polish system. It provides fast-drying, week-long, chip-free wear that allows for fashionable, flawless fingertips lasting for one whole week!

Candy Color! CND Shellac New Soak-off Gel 2013

Come make all your nails deliciously gorgeous with these candy colors! The New CND Shellac Soak-off Gel will go well with your bikinis, tank tops and hot pants! Pair them up with some glitter old gel colors such as Ruby Ritz – Red glitter or Tinsel Toast – Gold glitter will brighten up the whole look, too!

OPI Hand & Foot Moisturizing Treatment Package( July & August 2012)

Summer is here ! Relax and enjoy your holiday with one […]


夏天來臨!!! 本月推出三款不同優惠,只需HKD 590元就能令你手腳得到全面護理。你還在等什麼阿? 快為你們 […]