Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[唔怕乾燥] 美國 Cuccio 長效保濕系列

一踏入秋冬已經開始感覺到乾燥,皮膚水份慢慢流失,這個時候應該用些長效保濕的產品 ─ 美國品牌 Cuccio。

[Tutorial] Winter Survival Tips for Hands and Feet – Restoring Soft and Silky Skin at Home

With the cold dry weather comes the dehydrated skin. The flakiness and cracking of the hands and feet are quite unsightly . Here are some replenishing treatments that can sooth and smoothen these areas in just 10 minutes.

[手腳護理教學] 冬日手腳護理 在家也可令手腳變得潤滑
