Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

乾燥甩皮 | OPI Avoplex 和 Cuccio Cuticle Oil 如何幫助護手?

隨著天氣變得乾燥,我們需要更加注意手部和指甲的護理。OPI Avoplex High-Intensity Hand & Nail Cream 牛油果高度滋潤手霜 和 Cuccio Cuticle Oil – Revitalizing Cuticle Oil 活化角質層油 ,就幫助您在乾燥條件下保持美麗的雙手。

Revamp Your Nail Style with Cuccio – LED/UV Brush On Builder Gel With Calcium!

Recently tried the Cuccio – LED/UV Brush On Builder Gel With Calcium for nail enhancement and discovered that not only does it beautifully extend both fingernails and toenails, but over time, the texture of the nails truly becomes more resilient than before!

用 Cuccio – LED/UV Brush On Builder Gel With Calcium 補甲啫喱重新塑造您的指甲風格!

最近試用了 Cuccio – LED/UV Brush On Builder Gel With Calcium 補甲造型啫喱,發現不但可以把手指甲和腳趾甲延長美觀,而且一段時間後指甲質地真的是可以比之前堅韌了!

4步舒緩腳踭乾燥 – 第4項最為重要!


[唔怕乾燥] 美國 Cuccio 長效保濕系列

一踏入秋冬已經開始感覺到乾燥,皮膚水份慢慢流失,這個時候應該用些長效保濕的產品 ─ 美國品牌 Cuccio。

Beat Dryness with Cuccio – The Long-Lasting Moisturizing Export from the U.S.

Winter wind is blowing hard.  The skin might have quickly shown some dryness.  You know it,  here comes the time to switch to an intensive moisturizer.  Try Cuccio.

[唔怕乾燥] 美國 Cuccio 長效保濕系列 

又到轉涼的季節了! 一踏入秋天已經開始感覺到乾燥,皮膚水份慢慢流失,這個時候應該用些長效保濕的產品 ─ 美國品牌 Cuccio。

[13yr anniversary] Manicure 10% off with Complimentary Hand Scrub Service

Let us take this opportunity to show appreciation for our supportive customers.  From now on until 31st October 2017, Rainbow Nails is offering 10% off on all manicure services with a one-time free Cuccio Relax Hand Scrub service.

[Rainbow Nails 13歲生日] 手甲服務九折再送 Hand Scrub 服務

Rainbow Nails 13歲生日啦!在此感謝客人多年來的支持,送上小小心意回饋給每位客人。由即日起至2017年10月31日,凡惠顧任何正價手甲服務,除了可即時享有九折優惠,更加送 Cuccio Relax Hand Scurb 服務一次。