Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Nail Polish at Home] Cute Little Palate

DIY nails is a hobby and an art-making. I have come across some very cute pallets on the Internet lately. Don’t those flower shape and paw ones just melt your heart?

Turn your Old Eyeshadows into New Nail Polishes

What can you do with unused make up? We have got a money saving idea for you. You can create your own unique DIY nail polish with eyeshadows. The process is very simple. You will only need clear polish, eyeshadow, tooth pick and aluminum foil. Here is how.



Gorgeous Long Nails!!!

Ladies who get to keep Their nails long are just luckier! The extra length gives you much more room for creativity. We are going to show you a new way with top and base method.

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 粉紅色系

香港的夏天天氣又熱又帶點潮濕,令到人都沒精打采,個人建議不妨在指甲油上加點小清新,最好來些五顏六色的色彩,再用 […]

Dip-powder Nail Lacquer

The experts in nail business are always working on ease of application of products as well as the results, a new trend recently that take over the industry is the dip-powder.

[不再怕甲油出界] Bliss Kiss 液態乳膠


[Goodbye Overrun Polish & Glitter] Liquid Latex – Bliss Kiss

How to avoid overrun nail polish and glitter?

[Tutorial] 4 Easy steps to Remove CND Shellac Soak-Off Gel

You just need simple tools to remove CND Shellac Soak-Off Gel yourself!

[DIY Tutorial] 輕鬆在家卸除 CND Shellac Soak-off Gel甲油膠

只需數件工具就可輕易卸除 CND Shellac甲油膠!