Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Safety Helmets for the Toes!

It is an agony to stumble over a furniture at home. The toes can hurt so bad! Now, your toes can be protected by little safety helmets…

What to do with Ingrown Nails?

Ingrown toenails are not uncommon. It was not advisable to believe that this problem can be solved in one shot. You need to change your habit by 3 means.

[腳部急急救] Bandi Hydra Re-new Foot Mask

天氣又轉涼變乾了,但忙碌的姊妹們都很懶去搽腳部護霜吧!今天要介紹的是Bandi的腳部護理系列中的─Hydra Re-new Foot Mask就可解決問題了。

Pretty Toenails

Summertime is sandal-time. Kick out the boring plain nail color on your toenails and give it a new look by using stamps or stickers. Here is a cute design created with a stamped.

[Tutorial] Winter Survival Tips for Hands and Feet – Restoring Soft and Silky Skin at Home

With the cold dry weather comes the dehydrated skin. The flakiness and cracking of the hands and feet are quite unsightly . Here are some replenishing treatments that can sooth and smoothen these areas in just 10 minutes.