[Promotion] Manicure + OPI SPA Hand Treatment (Nov 2018)
- on 11.01.18
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You can now enjoy the hand treatment with the OPI SPA collection as well as manicure service with only $280 in this month!
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
You can now enjoy the hand treatment with the OPI SPA collection as well as manicure service with only $280 in this month!
Soon it will be Summer! Purchase of our normal manicure service for $190, you can enjoy discount price $110 on any of the following services…
Life can be so caught up sometimes that it is not possible to moisturize the hands every time after you wash them, let alone making a trip to the nail salon. Now you can have nail care at home using nail paraffin wax.
Many people skip moisturizer during summertime. With so much sunshine, it is quite common to have dehydrated skin on hands and feet which got exposed to the scorching environment all the time.
為了與多年的支持者與眾同樂,我們將於 10月8日在新店舉行【Rainbow Nails 11週年慶祝派對】,除了香檳、美食,當然少不了讓各位免費享受 Rainbow Nails 團隊為大家帶來的 Hand treatment 及小禮物,讓你親身感受新店的舒適!
很多人都以為手部的乾燥只要塗厚厚的潤膚霜便可解決,當然塗潤膚霜是必要的,不過若不停的塗潤膚霜,但乾燥感仍然很快 […]
Most ladies are very more than willing to spend a few h […]
秋冬轉眼已到,皮膚愈見乾燥,細紋立現。大家可能都會說原兇是夏季的冷氣!但撫心自問,原兇到底是什麼? 只因為一個 […]
現今的女仕們都非常關注美甲這件事情。過百元的指甲油,唔駛諗啦,買!上千元的甲藝,考慮30秒後……做吧!但往往都 […]