[Win a free prize] OPI Hawaii Nail Lacquer Mix & Match
- on 08.13.15
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Beaches, bikini, waves, fruits, these are OPI’s inspiration from this Hot Sexy Place to make these 12 bright colors soak-off gel ; coincidently here in Hong Kong. Let’s carry these colours to the beaches!
OPI 夏日精選系列 ─ HAWAII,十二枝顏色…可大玩MIX & MATCH,今次我選用淺粉紅(SUZI SHOPS & ISLAND HOPS)加一半粉綠色(THAT’S HULA-RIOUS!),帶點韓風又夠晒青春。
5月了~ 夏威夷的陽光,海灘,泳裝,水果應節登場! OPI 夏威夷系列 Soak-off Gel 12款顏色大紅大紫又金又綠,充滿生氣,朝氣勃勃,開開心心的一個系列!快來沾上這些歡欣的顏色到海灘享受日光浴吧!