Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Nail Gel for $5.50 each from Japan Online Shop

Daiso nail gel has gone viral among the $12 watcher groups. Shoppers are searching every corners throughout the entire Hong Kong. Actually, life can be easier. Just visit the Japan Daiso online shop and you will find the entire line of nail gels.

[Daiso 好物推介] 隨身攜帶 Fragrance Nail Oil 指甲油

不少女士的手都相當乾燥,尤其指甲下面的位置,甚至容易乾到甩皮或生倒刺。Daiso 最近就針對這個情況推出了這款用來滋潤指甲下方皮膚的香味指甲油…

[$5.5一枝Gel] Daiso日本官網入手大熱甲油膠!

最近「12蚊店關注組」內掀起了 Daiso甲油膠搶購潮,大量網民走勻港九新界撲貨,但其實想試 Daiso Gel未必需要頻撲,只需到日本Daiso官網一看,款式齊全,每支甲油膠更只需 100 yen (約港幣$5.5),而且不需日本信用卡都可以買到!

HOT NAIL Stickers for a HOT PRICE at $12

It is always fun to hunt in a $12 bazaars, especially when you found something really nice. You can find these 2022 Summer limited edition nail stickers at Daiso.

[抗疫美甲D.I.Y] 日本 Eternal Basic Gel甲套裝

想D.I.Y整Gel甲,最好莫過於方便同快捷。日本品牌Eternal Basic推出的美甲套裝,當中所用的LED 燈,體積細小如小電筒,照上約30秒便可令啫喱甲高速硬化,更可將面油及底油二合一,令你快速完成Gel甲!加上以便携式作賣點,在家方便收藏,就算帶去外遊都好慳位!

[Japanese Gadget] Thoughtful Nail Buffing Paper

You can always find some thoughtfulness and creativity‘s in Japanese products, like this nail buffing paper…

Another Heart-Melting Design from Japan – Edison Whale Nail Scissors with Magnifying Glass for Babies

It could be a daunting task for parents to trim their sweet angels little finger nails. Japan brand, Edison, brought in this very thoughtful design.

[窩心小設計] 日本Edison 鯨魚造型嬰幼兒放大鏡指甲剪

小朋友手指甲細細,如家長用成人的指甲剪為bb剪指甲,應該倍增困難,日本 “EDISON” 就推出十分窩心設計的嬰兒指甲剪。