Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 粉紅色系

香港的夏天天氣又熱又帶點潮濕,令到人都沒精打采,個人建議不妨在指甲油上加點小清新,最好來些五顏六色的色彩,再用 […]

The popular shades in 2016 – Quartz pink and Light tranquil blue

The popular shades in 2016 Quartz pink + light tranquil blue. These two pastel shades have been making appearances everywhere through make up products and clothing items.

[OL甲油教學] 讓指甲低調而生動起來!


[Strengthening in Pink] OPI Nail Envy added Pink Formula

With OPI Nail Envy, your nails can be harder, longer, and stronger – beautifully! The new pink shades add a tint of color to nails while strengthening them.

OPI x Hello Kitty Nail Lacquer

The new OPI Nail Polish collection of the famous character Hello Kitty is coming up for this fall winter 2015.