Rainbow Nails 全面加強消毒清潔 2月5日(星期三)起分階段啟巿
- on 01.29.20
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最近全城抗疫意識高漲,Rainbow Nails 當然也不會怠慢,經已增設抗菌香薰、消毒酒精和大量口罩,再加上在新春休業期間為兩店徹底消毒,務求令大家蒞臨美甲時更安心更盡情更relax!
Rainbow Nails' Blog |
An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong |
最近全城抗疫意識高漲,Rainbow Nails 當然也不會怠慢,經已增設抗菌香薰、消毒酒精和大量口罩,再加上在新春休業期間為兩店徹底消毒,務求令大家蒞臨美甲時更安心更盡情更relax!
總店 Rainbow Nails 優質手部和足部護理服務多年來都深受歡迎,新店 Sensations by Rainbow Nails 除了手甲護理服務外,誠意推介全新芳香面部及脈輪眼部護理——特備私隱空間,適合在工作中忙裡偷閒的你 refresh 一下再搏殺!
Sensations, by Rainbow Nails now provide aromatherapy facial and aromatherapy hot stone eye treatments in Sensations’s private pampering rooms!
From 1st May to 17th May, Rainbow Nails is bringing 24% off on selected items and services. Come in with mothers or friends will get an extra 5% off!