Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

OPI 2014 Muppets Most Wanted Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

OPI has finally picked 4 out of 12 colors in Muppets Most Wanted Nail Lacquer for its LED GelColor Soak-off Gel Collection. Respectively below: 3 of them are sparkles, and the rest is a pearly light purple. Don’t miss on these colors if you’re looking for outstanding blings!

閃粉Gel注意! OPI萬千星輝布公仔2014 Most Wanted LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

「OPI 萬千星輝布公仔 2014 Most Wanted」都推出LED GELCOLOR Soak-off Gel了,挑選的四支顏色都是閃粉,我特別喜歡 MUPPETS WORLD TOUR 和 GAINING MOLE-MENTURN。前者銀閃作底,配有藍粉白閃,看上去十分立體;後者則像金箔,貴氣非凡。

OPI 萬千星輝布公仔 2014 指甲油 Muppets Most Wanted Collection


OPI Muppets Most Wanted Collection Nail Lacquer 2014

This year OPI is designing a light toned collection for the Muppets again. 5 different types of sparkles + a few light color and a dark navy blue, very unconventional for OPI!

載譽歸來! 【萬千星輝布公仔】Muppets most wanted 指甲油2014系列即將登場

在兩年前OPI曾為迪士尼動畫電影「萬千星輝布公仔」推出一套指甲油。2014 OPI 打破傳統,前一套以紅色為主,但今次只有閃粉和百搭粉紅在這系列出現,變得清簡很多,喜歡淺色的人一定期待著它的來臨!