Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[唔怕乾燥] 美國 Cuccio 長效保濕系列

一踏入秋冬已經開始感覺到乾燥,皮膚水份慢慢流失,這個時候應該用些長效保濕的產品 ─ 美國品牌 Cuccio。

Beat Dryness with Cuccio – The Long-Lasting Moisturizing Export from the U.S.

Winter wind is blowing hard.  The skin might have quickly shown some dryness.  You know it,  here comes the time to switch to an intensive moisturizer.  Try Cuccio.

OPI 2017 Holiday Collection – LOVE OPI, XOXO Nail Lacquer

T’s The season to be jolly. Wow you are getting into the Christmas and new year spirit , OPI is ready to fill your holiday up with 12 fun and exciting shades.  The holiday collection- love opi. Xoxo includes a classic red and eleven sparkling nail color that guaranteed to make you shine!

[聖誕新色] OPI 2017 Holiday Collection Love OPI XOXO 系列指甲油

一年一度的聖誕節及新年即將來臨了,你們預備好怎樣慶祝了嗎? OPI 推出的 2017 Holiday Collection 「love opi. Xoxo」陪你一齊過聖誕,除了人見人愛的紅色外,其他顏色都十分有節日氣氛,都加入有閃閃原素,充滿歡樂。

Ready to Launch! OPI 2017 Holiday Collection – LOVE OPI, XOXO

OPI celebrates this holiday with its’ newest  collection of twelve fun shades.  Find out OPI’s interesting and  exciting nail colors in our upcoming post.

[美甲12星座6/6] 樂觀的射手座 x 耐心的魔羯座

十二星座甲終於來到了最後一篇,由水瓶座開始到最後這兩個星座了──射手座 (人馬座) 及魔羯座 (山羊座)。

OPI即將推出2017 Holiday Collection─ Love OPI, XOXO

OPI 即將推出 2017 HOILDAY COLLECTION 年度壓軸假日系列指甲油和 LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel  ─ LOVE OPI, XOXO,與大家一起普世歡騰,慶祝聖誕節及歡度新年。一套12色,密切留意我們即將會介紹全系列新顏色!

Gorgeous Long Nails!!!

Ladies who get to keep Their nails long are just luckier! The extra length gives you much more room for creativity. We are going to show you a new way with top and base method.

[美甲12星座5/6] 優雅的天秤座 x 高深的天蠍座

今次來到美甲12星座的第五篇,秋季的星座,又適合使用甚麼顏色做 Nail Art 呢?

Nails for the Artful & Cultural Youth

Feel boring on conventional single shade or similar nail art on all the nails?