Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[男士女士皆宜] 2024龍年新春開運美甲推介


2024 Nail Art Trends (Part 3)

Have you seen Episode 1 and Episode 2 of the Nail Art Trend for 2024? Today, we bring you the final part of this gel nail trend series!

2024年 Nail Art 美甲趨勢 (三)

2024年 Nail Art 美甲趨勢 第1集 和 第2集 大家看過沒有?今天為大家帶來這個 Gel甲潮流系列的最後一篇!

2024 Nail Art Trends (Part 2)

Last time we shared a few nail art ideas predicted to be popular in 2024 by nail art experts Michelle Saunders and Analysse Hernandez. This time, we will introduce a few more.

2024年 Nail Art 美甲趨勢 (二)

上次我們分享過 Nail Art 名師 Michelle Saunders 和 Analysse Hernandez 預測在2024年流行的幾種美甲點子,今次會介紹另外幾款。

2024 Nail Art Trends (Part 1)

Nail art experts Michelle Saunders and Analysse Hernandez shared their predictions for popular nail art ideas in 2024. They expect a trend that combines classic designs with fashion and vibrant energy. Let’s introduce a few of them.

2024年 Nail Art 美甲趨勢 (一)

最近 Nail Art 名師 Michelle Saunders 和 Analysse Hernandez 分享了他們預計在2024年流行的幾種美甲點子,預計今年趨勢是將經典設計與時尚結合,而且充滿活力! 今次我們先介紹幾款。

Christmas Nail Art Recommendations (Part 1)

It’s Christmas time again! We have gathered different Christmas-themed nail designs for everyone to create a festive atmosphere with their nails!

[日本啤酒美甲] 酒鬼女孩必做啤酒Gel甲 超細緻還原所有細節!

相信不少人都喜歡飲兩杯啤酒,而日本一位美甲師更加把對啤酒的熱愛畫到指甲上。Marina 是一位美甲師,同時又一向喜愛小酌幾杯,一日忽發奇想就想到把啤酒商標畫到指尖上…

Elegant Halloween Nail Recommendations

Halloween is coming, and if you want to create gel nails that combine the holiday atmosphere with a fashionable style, we have some recommendations for simple yet elegant designs. Let’s see how we can create a Halloween ambiance while showcasing elegance and style, making you unique and charming during the festivities.