Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Promotion] Enjoy Special Offer for Mani + Pedi at $460 (May/June 2020)

Hand hygiene is the key to fight COVID-19. However, repeated washing with alcohol-base hand gel may lead to dry, hard and flaky skin. This will make your hands harder to be thoroughly cleaned. Come to Rainbow Nails!

肺炎假期, 想想辦法跟小朋友放電!

在肺炎疫情下,大家都留在家中,應該開始悶到發慌吧,我忽發奇想,不如就教大家做些簡單的卡通人物 Nail Art 手甲,可以跟小朋友一起親子樂吧!

A Lockdown Activity for Kids: Nail Art

Lockdown may be the most sensible way to fight COVID-19, but boredom is the major feeling since many of us have been stuck at home fr so long. Today I am giving my share to save the mommies from insanity, I have designed a few simple cartoon character nail art for the kids. This will be a perfect activity for family bonding.