Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

iPhone 7 Jet Black Fever on your nail: OPI Breakfast at Tiffany’s LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

The iPhone 7 in jet black has become talk of the town. If you grab one in your hand, what will you do to make it more striking?

指甲油和 iPhone 7 都有Jet Black!

當全城都搶購 iPHONE 7 JET BLACK,小編突然有份小創意!

[Coming Soon] OPI Breakfast at Tiffany’s Collection Nail Lacquer

After launching the Washington D.C. Autumn/Winter series, OPI continues to indulge our eyes with the newest HOLIDAY COLLECTION─Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

[神秘 • Cyber] OPI Starlight Collection 指甲油

OPI 秋冬系列 VENICE Collection 推出不夠一個月,大家還未有時間把顏色試真,OPI又再接再厲推出了另一套秋冬系列 HOLIDAY COLLECTION-Starlight!

[層次豐富] CND Shellac Contradictions Collection 秋冬剛柔風尚系列 Soak-off Gel

CND Shellac 今次這套 Soak-off Gel 打破既有的模式,讓質感與色調互相觸踫,產生強烈對比的優雅美態,意想不到、層次豐富、敢於冒險,能同一時間帶出不同感覺。

[15 choices of color] OPI Discover Venice Collection Nail Lacquer

The new Fall Winter 2015 OPI collection have fifteen different shades to perfect your seasonal outfits. Three of them are limited editions!

[挪威風情] OPI 北方系列 Nordic LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

今個秋冬是時候作出點改變,擺脫冬日黑沉沉的調調。OPI 較早前推出的Nordic Collection,全套12個顏色都已推出LED Gel Color。色調的靈感來自哥本哈根的彩色小屋,挪威那種海天一色的藍調等。由金啡色,紫色,到粉紅色,為冬日添上暖烘烘的色調。

[Light up the winter cold] OPI Nordic LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel Collection

All 12 shades in OPI Nordic Collection are now available in LED Gel Color! The collection contains warm loving colors which can definitely light up the winter cold!

秋冬人氣精選! OPI Measure Up To Color 指甲油

轉季了轉季了,整個夏天都用鮮艷的顏色,一下子‧‧是不是想不到用什麼顏色呢? Opi已經十分細心幫各美媚啦,就是分別由w42和l87組成的秋天色彩。

In-stock finally! OPI Bohemians Collection LED Gelcolor Soak-off Gel

OPI has chosen 6 colors from the San Francisco collection and launched Gel colors variance – Bohemians Collection. Check out if OPI has picked your favorite!