Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

日本新一代指甲彩繪打印機 一次過列印五隻手指

指甲彩繪打印機已經愈來愈成熟,日本 TSUME.CO 再度推出一部新的指甲彩繪打印機,比過去舊式只能一次列印一隻手指,現在可以一次列印五隻手指。

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 粉色系

上一篇 Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學介紹了 OPI 2017 新推出的 Fiji 斐濟系列指甲油當中的藍調色彩,今次輪到粉色系了。

Dip-powder Nail Lacquer

The experts in nail business are always working on ease of application of products as well as the results, a new trend recently that take over the industry is the dip-powder.

[Nail Art 美甲彩繪教學] OPI Fiji 斐濟系列 – 藍調色系

OPI 2017年新系列指甲油 Fiji 斐濟系列終於到貨了,一開箱後,已經被藍調色彩及粉系色彩所吸引住,最適合用來製作 Nail Art 美甲彩繪。

Artificial Nail and Acrylic Nail for Men – A Solution for Nail and Cuticle Biters

Gentlemen may have problems of the hard cuticle at the sides of their nails, caused by long time habit of bitting or pulling of the cuticle. Acrylic nails or Artificial nails can help with the problem.