Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[出神入化] 另類LEGO Gel甲

港女玩Gel甲款式層出不窮,如果玩普通圖案已經玩到悶的話,不如轉玩新花款。有外國人就嘗試了另類LEGO Gel甲,造型更加出神入化!


商界一向相信「唇膏指數」(lipstick index)能有效反映經濟增長速度,不過最近有巿場研究公司認為,唇膏指數的「經濟寒暑表」作用可能已經失靈,並由「指甲油指數」取而代之。

Let the Nails Go Wacky with LEGO!

The cool always half away to get even cooler. Some foreigners would wear Lego gel nail in order to to be different. It is about time the nail art lovers of Hong Kong try this funky idea too.


嵌甲 (ingrowing nail) 又稱「甲溝炎」,俗稱「掙甲」,意指腳趾甲嵌進肉中,造成疼痛、感染的情形,病因通常可分為五種情形…

What to do with Ingrowing Nail?

Ingrown nail is also known as onychocryptosis. It is a condition which nails grow in to the skin and result in pain and inflammation. There are five common causes to ingrown nails.