Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

Fighting the Pandemic with your Nail

In these days, you should not leave home without a mask if you want to protect yourself from COVID-19. But the masks are not just for your face. Some nail artist got the idea to put them on the nails.



[Reasons of Thick Toe Nails] 5 Causes you must know (II)

In our last post, we talked about the five causes of thickened nails. In fact, there is one more major cause — nail fungus.

腳趾甲變厚了? 5種需要了解的原因(二)


[Reasons of Thick Toe Nails] 5 Causes you must know (I)

Are your toenails growing thicker? Have you thought of thick toenails could be a sign of health problems?

腳趾甲變厚了? 5種需要了解的原因(一)


什麼原因會讓腳趾甲變厚? 你有留意到腳趾甲變厚了嗎? 不少人覺得腳趾甲變厚沒什麼大不了,藏在鞋子裡就算腳趾甲變厚也沒人看得到,可是腳趾甲變厚放任不管的下場你又是否清楚呢?