Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[多用也不怕] 自製天然洗甲水


Digital Nail Printing Machine from Japan

This new nail printing machine from TSUME.CO can print five nails all at once. The preset designs are hand-painted by professional nail artists using their skills of great precision!

[Nail Care at Home] Dr Wonder Nail Paraffin Hot Spa

Life can be so caught up sometimes that it is not possible to moisturize the hands every time after you wash them, let alone making a trip to the nail salon. Now you can have nail care at home using nail paraffin wax.

日本新一代指甲彩繪打印機 一次過列印五隻手指

指甲彩繪打印機已經愈來愈成熟,日本 TSUME.CO 再度推出一部新的指甲彩繪打印機,比過去舊式只能一次列印一隻手指,現在可以一次列印五隻手指。

Dip-powder Nail Lacquer

The experts in nail business are always working on ease of application of products as well as the results, a new trend recently that take over the industry is the dip-powder.

韓國 Dr Wonder Nail Paraffin Hot Spa – 在家都可以做手部蜜蠟

大部分人經常洗手又不常塗乳霜,令到手指甲邊的皮膚變得乾燥,常常想做保養但又沒有時間,有空的時候又不一定可約到美甲店做護理,韓國品牌 Dr wonder 新出物可能幫到你!

Floavored Nail Polish by The Italian Sparkling Wine – Prosecco

If you were once curious about the KFC edible nail polish, this new Pressecco flavored nail polish will leave you in open mouth.

[期間限定] 意大利 Prosecco 香檳指甲油

繼出現炸雞味指甲油後,意大利香檳品牌 Prosecco 也摻一腳,最近研發出一枝指甲油,既能散發出其品牌的香檳味,放進口裡也能感到香檳的味道!

[沾一沾就上色] DIY 浸泡指甲油


[不再怕甲油出界] Bliss Kiss 液態乳膠
