Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong


最近小編的朋友問我為什麼無論用什麼品牌,指甲油用了三四次後就變「杰」,不能再使用? 相信這個問題都煩擾到很多女生吧?!小編推介幾多方法,希望能幫助大家呢!

[Warm & Pretty] Nail Polish Stocking

Too busy for a pedicure and you hate it even more when it’s time to remove the nail works from your toes? No worries!

What do abnormal nails try to tell you about your health?

Abnormal and unhealthy looking nails may mean serous underlying diseases in the body. Such as Clubbing, Loose nails and pitting nails, and Black strips running down the nail.

指甲油和 iPhone 7 都有Jet Black!

當全城都搶購 iPHONE 7 JET BLACK,小編突然有份小創意!

[秋冬新色] OPI Breakfast At Tiffany’s 系列指甲油

OPI「Breakfast At Tiffany’s」系列的幾款新色,很適合就來臨的聖誕節及新年選用!

[Tutorial] Nail Polish for Office Lady

Classroom Simple Ways to Highlight Your Nude Polish Beige and pink nail polishes are the way to go for a subtle look. But when plain feels boring, you can try Metallic, Matt or opalescent to make the nails stand out.

How to keep Nail Lacquer from drying out?

Are your nail polishes becoming old after only using them 3 to 4 times? Let us discuss how to keep nail polish from drying out.

Nail Art 美甲彩繪推介 – 毛衣指甲


Mirror Nail Polish from Born Pretty

Getting mirror nails used to be quite tricky. The new Mirror Nail Polish by Born Pretty can save you the trouble.

[秋冬推介] OPI 的霧面指甲油

霧面的指甲 (Matte),看上來好像穿了件毛絨絨的衣服,如果配上濃鬱顏色也能帶出不同味道。