Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong


很多人都問為什麼有時候Gel甲 (Soak-off Gel) 顏色會容易剝落,掉下的感覺淋淋的,其實這是關乎於Gel並沒有 照 乾!而 Gel甲照不乾的常見原因有幾種…

Beaming with Laser Manicure

Back in a few years ago, metallic nails was quite a hit. Just a tiny box of powder, your nails would turn into little mirrors. Recently, silvery white nail is in fashion.

[激光中穿梭] 幻彩雷射美甲


Can Over-cut Nails lead to Abscesses?

It is commonly believe that keeping the nails extremely short is a good hygiene practice. However, recently a student who over cut his toenails and it himself up with chronic paronychia.

剪指甲要剪幾入? 剪得太盡會生瘡流膿!


[Perfect for Gradient Nails] OPI Neo-Pearl 2020 Infinite Shine Nail Lacquer

You know it is special when we make a separate post to talk about the OPI Infinite Shine collection nail polish of the same series. And it is!

[玩漸變都得] OPI Neo-Pearl 2020 Infinite Shine 指甲油

相信讀者們都知道我們好少介紹 OPI 的 Infinite Shine Lacquer 指甲油,因為每次同系列的顏色是一樣,但今次一定一定要介紹!