Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

C朗也美甲! 腳趾「亮漆美甲」曝光

足球巨星C朗 (基斯坦奴朗拿度, Cristiano Ronaldo) 最近在 IG 曬出多張與家人戲水的照片,有眼利的網友發現,他的腳趾頭似乎做了暗色系美甲,在陽光照射下顯得非常明顯,瞬間吸引網友們熱議討論「他塗指甲油嗎?」

NAIL n THINGS – Elegant and Fashionable Hong Kong-made Nail Stickers

Some nail stickers is a bit avant-garde and exaggerated, while OLs prefer elegant and fashionable designs. Two college classmates saw this gap in the market and start Nail n Things…

Top Choice for 2023 Spring/Summer Gel Nails – Ice Drop Nail Art

Weather starts to get hot and humid again, still doing the same solid color nail designs? Don’t forget about new trend in Gel Nails: “Ice Drop Nail Art”!

[夏日Gel甲推介] 2023年流行簡約美甲 Simple is the Best!

夏天來了! 2023年的夏日有什麼Gel甲款式可以試一下呢? 最近美甲款式都流行簡約風格,簡單易襯的款式讓更多女生都能駕馭得到~ 近年簡約美甲款式中,設計師都喜歡加入一些若隱若現的元素,如暈染、貓眼石等,為指甲增加層次感。小編今次就為大家介紹幾款~