Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[缷甲大忌] 這個缷下 Gel 甲的大忌,你有沒有試過?

LED Soak Off Gel甲不用特別打理又可以維持至少兩星期的時間,深受不少女生歡迎,但卸下Gel甲時有一個大忌…

Mistakes People usually make when Removing LED Soak Off Gel

Some people may skip going to the salon after hold up LED soak off gel for weeks. They will attempt to pull the gel off by themselves without realizing that this could be a big mistake…

[牛年行大運] 牛牛 Nail Art


Can Lemon Juice really Whiten Nails?

When your yellow nails are caused by nail polish, you can simply just quit using them until they return to normal. Otherwise, you may try to use lemon juice…

[指甲變黃] 檸檬汁幫指甲去黃?真唔真?


[Truly Free of Toxins] Petit Nail Polish

Founded in 2016 from Taiwan with keeping safety for grown-ups and the little ones in mind, PETIT launched a line of revolutionary nail products that were truly free of toxins and odors.

[真•冇毒] 台灣小小PETIT指甲油

台灣的小小Petit 於2016年成立,持著「大人小孩都能安心使用」的理念,製作出真•冇毒冇臭指甲油,而指甲油成份中70%的水30%礦物顏料,因此唔需要用卸甲水卸除,巧手一剝就可以輕鬆卸下顏色,絕對唔傷指甲!