Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[抗疫美甲D.I.Y] 日本 Eternal Basic Gel甲套裝

想D.I.Y整Gel甲,最好莫過於方便同快捷。日本品牌Eternal Basic推出的美甲套裝,當中所用的LED 燈,體積細小如小電筒,照上約30秒便可令啫喱甲高速硬化,更可將面油及底油二合一,令你快速完成Gel甲!加上以便携式作賣點,在家方便收藏,就算帶去外遊都好慳位!

How to do DIY Gel Nail at home?

It gets quite dreadful that the nail salons are closed when you really needed a manicure. You can learn to handle it yourself, you know? By just getting the right tools, you can work like a proal in no time! Or at least a simple one…

在家 DIY GEL甲如何做?

最近美甲店只能不定期營業,不如大家一起來學做自己的美甲師在家美甲吧!在家 DIY GEL甲應從何開始呢?

[開運GEL甲] 2022 新年開運 (三) – 開運甲點止紅色?

上次介紹過6款開運 Gel 甲大受各位歡迎,今次 encore 再介紹四款,讓大家繼續開運!

[開運Gel甲] 2022 新年開運「紅色美甲」6大新趨勢! (二)
