Rainbow Nails' Blog

An OPI Educator's Nail Blog @ Hong Kong

[Manicure Sticker Tutorial] How to Properly Apply FOLARIS Gel Nail Strips?

Manicure stickers are easy to use and can be applied to your nails effortlessly. But have you been doing all the steps correctly?

[美甲貼教學] 如何正確地貼上 FOLARIS Gel Nail Strips 美甲貼?

美甲貼紙 (Nail Sticker) 簡單易用,輕鬆地就能貼在自己的指甲上,但是你又有沒有正確做對所有步驟呢?

NAIL n THINGS – Elegant and Fashionable Hong Kong-made Nail Stickers

Some nail stickers is a bit avant-garde and exaggerated, while OLs prefer elegant and fashionable designs. Two college classmates saw this gap in the market and start Nail n Things…

Nail n Things – 優雅時尚的港產美甲貼

市面上的美甲貼有時略為前衛誇張,上班族 OL 則喜歡優雅時尚的設計。港產品牌 Nail n Things 推出的 Gel 甲貼又會不會令你感受到這份優雅時尚?

HOT NAIL Stickers for a HOT PRICE at $12

It is always fun to hunt in a $12 bazaars, especially when you found something really nice. You can find these 2022 Summer limited edition nail stickers at Daiso.

Quick N’ Funky Manicure Sets – Dashing Diva Magic Press Nail Sticker

This is not just another stick-on nails. It is especially made for those who live on the fast lane. This brand has recently launch one of the hottest thing in Europe and the U.S. – the trapezoid tip and pointy tip manicure sets.

[懶人恩物3.0] Dashing Diva Magic Press 美甲貼

Dashing Diva Magic Press 推出了最近兩款歐美大熱甲型——梯型及尖型,差不多所有歐美明星都係呢種甲型,而且多款式選擇,有可愛、簡約、海洋風等,甚至連假腳甲貼都有!

[DIY at Home for Daughter] Go Glam DIY Nail Stamper

If your daughter is a beauty Queen who likes to try new things then this cool Go Glam Nail Stamper it’s definitely a perfect gift for her.

Gelato Nail Sticker: Another Great Help for Nail Art Novice

Sometimes, it is too hard to squeeze up any time for A trip to the salon. The nail sticker from Gelato Factory of Korea can help you.