Why are my hands peeling? What can we do about it?
- on 02.08.21
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In our last post, we talked about why the skin of the hands peeled when winter turned into spring. Now, let us discuss what we can do about it.
So, how can we take care of it?
1. Try to avoid washing hands. Always keep your hands away from dirt in order to avoid getting in contact with water. Avoid from using traditional bar soaps.
2. After washing the hands, wipe them dry and moisturize them. Massage for 2 to 3 minutes as follows.
Start by rubbing the two hands together from front to back. And then, slide the thumb and the index finger off one hand from bottom towards the top off each finger of the other hand. After that, massage from the bottom off each nails to the in-between spaces. Repeat a few times.
This is a great way to massage since not only it helps the circulation and absorption, it also help The hands to recover.
What kind of food can combat peelings?
There are five kinds of fruits and vegetables that can help.
1. Carrots are filled with carotene which can help maintain a good skin texture, smooth out fine lines keep the skin soft and moisturized which prevent peelings on the hands and the feet.
2. Broccolis are rich in vitamin a, vitamin C and beta carotene. These can strengthen skins ability to fight oxidative damage while helping to maintain skin elasticity.
3. Strawberries are high in vitamin C which help the regeneration of new skin cells.
4. Black sesame’s are high in vitamin E which helps keeping the skin moisturized.
5. Red dates’ vitamin a can strengthen the skins characteristic of water barrier.
Can peelings be prevented?
1. Foods like carrots, cantaloupes and eggs are rich with vitamin a.
2. Keep your diet light in taste. Avoid eating some things that are too cold, deep fried or spicy.
3. Keep your body hydrated by taking more water, more fruits and vegetables. Avoid coming in contact with stimulating materials.
What should you be cautious about?
1. People with peeling problems should avoid contacting alkaline based substances such as detergents. Since it can trigger peeling or worsen the existing problem.
2. Avoid touching surfaces with extreme temperature. When your hands are hot, keep away from very cold surface. When your hands are cold, do not grab anything hot.
3. Minimize the chance to get wet.Avoid soaking your hands. This will worsen the peeling problem.
4. Moisturize your hand: Click on Has you skin been dehydrated by alcohol-based hand scrubs? Let us do some simple care for our hands.
Remember to keep your hands clean during the time of fighting the virus pandemic.
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